Crown Glory Holding
independent specialized in public and private strategies, development, cooperation and integration of the regional structural needs of the priorities of the states in terms of rural facilities.
Created in 2019 by a group of consultants with extensive international experience in both the private and public sectors. The company operates nationally and internationally.
Mohammed MERNISSI & Jacques BENHAMOU, are specialized in the development of industrial cooperation, to the modernization of economic integration with high added value.
They cooperate with public and private bodies in consultation with many governments, Morocco, Africa and Latin America.

Manufacturing takes craft to the next level
Crown Glory Holding participates in the structured development of the regions of the Kingdom of Morocco, Africa through the analysis and implementation of public policies, institutional strengthening and human development.
Crown Glory Holding’s two main objectives are:
- Contribute to socio-economic, institutional and human development.
- Drive regional cooperation and integration processes.